Gothenburg University Library Box 222 SE 405 30 Gothenburg. Phone: 031-786 00 00. Contact us. Organisation number: 202100-3153. Student Portal; University of


Since Friday 18 September, the University of Gothenburg has had major problems with its e-mails. In recent days, some emails are working again, but far from all. Choose another way to contact the University. The student e-mail is not affected.

Make sure to apply directly to each of these agencies. Applications for accommodation are submitted online during specific time periods for different categories of students, you’ll find more information for each student category in the menu. UPPSALA UNIVERSITY’S ALUMNI NETWORK A global network for students like yourself who are just about to enter the job market. Our alumni network is an important resource for your career, for maintaining contacts from your university years and for developing new contacts. Due to power outage, and Staff- & Student Portal are not accessible at the moment. Gothenburg Energi (the energy company) are trouble shooting. Sorry for any inconveniences!

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2016-04-19 · University of Gothenburg 2,862 views 4:35 Gothenburg, Sweden: street life, cherry blossom and people of Linnégatan (1 km walk, natural sound) - Duration: 12:02. The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 37 000 students and 6 000 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study, with a continuous flow of new knowledge and ideas. "Gothenburg University College" was established in 1891 with the help of private donations.

For recommendation on how your email signature may look, please see the visual identity manual: Email signature. Capacity, routines The scholarship is for students who have to pay tuition fees when they study in Sweden.Those who have made an application at with a last application date of 15 January to one of the Master’s programmes offered by the University of Gothenburg beginning autumn semester 2014.

"Gothenburg University College" was established in 1891 with the help of private donations. The first classes were held by seven professors teaching seven subjects to twenty-one students, four of whom were women. In 1907 it became an independent university college with the same status as the two national universities of Uppsala and Lund.

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Student portal gothenburg university

The Staff Portal collects current information, news, tools and services for personnel at the University of Gothenburg

As a student or staff at University of Gothenburg you can use your GU card. Everyone else need a library card. About GU card and library card University Admissions doesn’t register documents received after the deadline until admissions results have been published. During that time, we review the applications that were on-time. After admissions results are published, if a course was deleted because you didn’t meet the entry requirements – but you believe you do meet them based on the late documents you submitted – you must Information about your employment at the university can be found at the staff portal. Note that your institute can have additional information. To help you find what you need there are links to the left and below to parts of the handbook that you will need as a PhD student, supervisor or administrator.

Student portal gothenburg university

University of Gothenburg Admissions. Application Form: All the students have to apply to the university programs through the joint Swedish application portal – To Student Portal .

Student Portal; University of Information for doctoral student at the University of Gothenburg. Welcome to the website for doctoral students! Here you will find general information that may be useful regardless of your academic discipline.

Gothenburg University Library Box 222 SE 405 30 Gothenburg. Phone: 031-786 00 00.
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The Student portal is the website for you as a student at the University of Gothenburg. We bring you the news, information and digital services you need.

Everyone else need a library card. About GU card and library card University Admissions doesn’t register documents received after the deadline until admissions results have been published. During that time, we review the applications that were on-time. After admissions results are published, if a course was deleted because you didn’t meet the entry requirements – but you believe you do meet them based on the late documents you submitted – you must Information about your employment at the university can be found at the staff portal. Note that your institute can have additional information. To help you find what you need there are links to the left and below to parts of the handbook that you will need as a PhD student, supervisor or administrator.