Ronald Reagan Library, DPLA. NSDD 189 National Policy on Transfer of Scientific, Technical and Engineering Information TEXT Ronald Reagan Library, DPLA.


2018年10月29日 NSDD-189,图片来自 由于有些领域的开放性会损害国家的 竞争力或安全,NSB强烈重申美国总统里根的第189号国家安全 

027. 008. 156. 164. 175.

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NSDD-189: National Policy on the Transfer of Scientific, Technical and Engineering Information. [stamped:] UNCLASSIFIED September 21, 1985 NATIONAL POLICY ON THE TRANSFER OF. SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL AND ENGINEERING INFORMATION I. PURPOSE. This directive establishes national policy for controlling the flow of science, technology, and engineering directive 189: national policy on the transfer of scientific, technical and engineering information I. PURPOSE This directive establishes national policy for controlling the flow of science, technology and engineering information produced in federally funded fundamental research at … National Security Decision Directive 189 (NSDD 189): National Policy on the Transfer of Scientific, Technical and Engineering Information (Sept. 21, 1985) .

E TMP Self Certification Letter . F Definitions - Export Control Terms . 3 .

Decision Directives (NSDD) av vilka ca 90 procent idag är avhemligade, klarat ut frågan med sina amerikanska kollegor.189 Denna fråga var inte ny och hade 

BIS Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security . CCL Commerce Control NSDD - 189, White House Directive on Fundamental Research Exemption component. In 1982, the Department of Defense and National Science Foundation sponsored a National Academy of Sciences study of the need for controls on scientific information.

Nsdd 189

189 Hotet från öst SOU 2002:108 1987 års fö National Security Decision Directives (NSDD) av vilka ca 90 procent idag är 

NSDD-189: National Policy on the Transfer of Scientific, Technical and Engineering Information. [stamped:] UNCLASSIFIED September 21, 1985 NATIONAL POLICY ON THE TRANSFER OF. SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL AND ENGINEERING INFORMATION I. PURPOSE. This directive establishes national policy for controlling the flow of science, technology, and engineering directive 189: national policy on the transfer of scientific, technical and engineering information I. PURPOSE This directive establishes national policy for controlling the flow of science, technology and engineering information produced in federally funded fundamental research at colleges, universities, and laboratories.

Nsdd 189

Den amerikanska NSDD) huruvida USA borde sälja vapen överhuvudtaget men de som förespråkade. av E Agardh — ur Kostdatabasen NSDD.
Hur stort är medium


NSDD 189 provided the following definition of fundamental research that has guided universities in making licensing decisions relative to fundamental research exclusions provided under both the EAR and ITAR: NSDD 189 does not exempt any research from statutes that apply to export controls such as the Atomic Energy Act, as amended; the Arms Export Control Act; the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended; or the U.S. International Emergency Economic Powers Act, or regulations that implement parts of those statutes (e.g., the ITAR, the EAR, 10 CFR part 110 and 10 CFR part 810). The National Policy on the Transfer of Scientific, Technical, and Engineering Information, or NSDD 189, generally provides that products of fundamental research are to continue to be unrestricted. Recent Developments in Research Law Issuu company logo Close Like NSDD-189, the DURC framework, embodied in a regulatory policy published in 2012 and in a more robust, supplemental policy in 2014, applies exclusively to research that is conducted or funded by the U.S. government or at institutions supported by government Last revised: November 2020 .
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Övriga smittsamma-, mödrarelaterade-  av A Pettersson · 2019 — of Communication disorders, Volume 36, Issue 3, May-June 2003, 189-. 208. Bond, M. H. Hämtad 6/10/16 från:  145 SOU 1987:9.