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Pia Posio VP, IR, Communications and Marketing. Glaston Oyj Abp Lönnrotinkatu 11 FI-00120 LOUD | Complete Loudspring Oyj stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview. 29 jan 2018 Loudspring Oyj / Otroligt låg omsättning / Otroligt låg omsättning less på deras youtube videos och annat när de inte har en klassiskt vettig IR. Köp aktier i Loudspring Oyj - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank.
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Learn about LOUD (XHEL) with our data and independent analysis including price, star rating, valuation, dividends, and financials. Start a 14-day free trial to Morningstar Premium to unlock our Loudspring Oyj engages in investing in the development of clean technology system. Through its subsidiaries, the company's portfolio includes renewable energy power plants, electric car charging stations, water oxidation, energy financing, and gas turbines operation. To tackle this problem, we set ourselves out to find the best investor in our specific field of business. After this financing round closes we will have the resources to grow our business to the technology’s full potential.“ Contact information: Jarkko Joki-Tokola, CEO, Loudspring Oyj. Tel. +358 40 637 0501, jarkko@loudspring.earth Loudspring Oyj, formerly Cleantech Invest Oyj, is a Finland-based investment company, which operates under Loudspring brand. It is focused on the clean technology sector and invests in the companies located in the Nordic and Baltic region. Loudspring Oyj appoints Jarkko Joki-Tokola as new Managing Director and Matti Vuoria as Chairman of the Board Thu, May 23, 2019 07:30 CET. Loudspring Oyj. Company release.
Carlo Beck. Investor Relations Manager Tel: +49 172 7512480 carlo.beck@fortum.com.
Investor Relations. Investor relations are managed by the CEO of Relais Group. Regular financial reports are preceded by a 30-day period of silence, during which Relais Group will not comment on the company’s financial position, business, markets or future prospects.
This company is followed by 3155 investors Vastuullinen sijoittaminen Updated 4 days ago Loudspring Oyj - maailmaa Loudspring i finansieringsavtal med Eagle Filters, respiratorer får CE-märkning. Investmentbolaget Loudspring har ingått ett finansieringsavtal med dotterbolaget Utdelning.
Loudspring Oyj Stock Forecast, LOUD stock price prediction. Price target in 14 days: 0.479 EUR. The best long-term & short-term Loudspring Oyj share price prognosis
Elisa’s Capital Markets Day for institutional investors and analysts was held on 10 March 2021. Watch recording. Annual General Meeting 2021.
Learn about the executives at LOUD (XHEL) and review their bios and compensation. Find out if LOUD (XHEL) is the best investment for you.
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Erik Penser Bank AB, Certified Adviser. Tel. +46 8 463 83 00, certifiedadviser@penser.se. Loudspring in brief . Loudspring is an investment company focused on saving natural resources. Loudspring is about being loud and proud about what we are doing, and even shouting from the top of a mountain when there is a need to challenge the, old status quo.
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Loudspring is about being loud and proud about what we are doing, and even shouting from the top of a mountain when there is a need to challenge the, old status quo. A Strategic Shift - Growth in value equals growth in impact.
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