2021-04-06 · 'Public service media are key to the European democratic project. Good public service is based on editorial independence, high ethical standards, sustainable funding and the freedom to adapt the organization and its editorial services to the audience's needs in a digital world.


Two new reports from the EBU’s Media Intelligence Service (MIS) explore the funding of public service media across Europe. Funding of Public Service Media 2017 shows that public service broadcasters’ income continues to decline in real terms year-on-year. Although the report shows a nominal growth of 2.2% over the last four years, in real terms that equates to a 2.8% drop. Over a third of PSM organisations have faced cuts totalling 563 million euros in the same period.

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Four other volumes present the state of European public opinion on other themes: the financial and economic crisis; the Europe 2020 strategy; European citizenship; and the The question about the future of public service media in the ‘networked society’ is directly related to the modernisation of European democracies and the role of citizen participation. Council of Europe, Recommendation Rec(2007)3 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the Remit of Public Service Media in the Information Society, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 31 January 2007 at the 985th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies. 2021-04-07 · On the other hand, Danas and N1, as the media critical of the authorities, have a much clearer pro-European stance and are more willing to report on initiatives coming from the European Union that have nothing to do with state officials, quoting opposition politicians, civil society organizations and European officials, the study concluded. Through in-depth case studies, Eurofound’s research into public services also examines the perspectives of service providers and their response to changing user needs. Key contributions Analysis from Eurofound’s European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) examines the impact of the crisis on European society and how Europeans perceive the quality of their societies and of their public services. The Public Service Media Policies Working Group organised an IAMCR post-conference, “Public Service Media in a Time of Global Reordering: Sustainability, Reinvention and Extension”, on 25 June 2018 at the University of Oregon in Eugene.

PBS in Canada, Australia and Japan. 11.

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Public service media in europe report

News Media Europe calls for: Exclusion of news related services from the scope of any future proposal, consistent with agreed political priorities in the European Media Action Plan (MAAP) and the Democracy Action Plan (EDAP).

The report based its findings on 140 serious press freedom violations that were reported to the platform in 2018 that showed routine protection for those responsible for violent Press freedom in Europe is more fragile now than at any time since the end of the Cold War. That is the alarming conclusion of a report launched today by the 12 partner organisations of the Council of Europe platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists. The report, “Democracy at Risk”, analyses media freedom violations raised to the Platform in 2018.

Public service media in europe report

A new European Data Portal analytical report  Careers · Investor Relations · Media Centre Jollyroom now hopes to become a leading European retailer, and the team is on the lookout for the right people to help it achieve this aim.
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av M Ots · 2009 · Citerat av 46 — Comparative studies on media concentration in Europe . A new approach to public service content in the digital media age: The potential role of En kulturpolitik för framtiden [Cultural consultation, final report: A cultural policy for the future].

The aim with this report is to map what online services European public service broadcasters (PSBs) provide, and how both EU and national legislation affect the online activities. To this end, the services of 46 European PSBs have been examined, of which the public service broadcasters of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, For many decades, public service media have enjoyed a strong position in Europe but with the raise of online news they face the difficulties of a very competitive market with a growing number of new journalism players like BuzzFeed, the Huffington Post, and Vice, and also video-on-demand services like Netflix and Amazon Prime, as well as large digital intermediaries, including search engines (Google), video hosting sites (Youtube), and social networking sites (Facebook). 2021-03-18 · The term "public service media" is generally used to refer to a particular form of radio and television broadcasting that emerged in Western Europe in the 1920s, of which the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is the best-known example and most common reference point. 2021-04-12 · This book provides the most recent overview of media systems in Europe. It explores new political, economic and technological environments and the challenges they pose to democracies and informed citizens and examines the new illiberal environment that has quickly embraced certain European states. Public service media (PSM) have been the mainstay of Western European broadcasting for a number of decades. Yet despite a general political consensus in favour of PSM, recent technological, economic and political changes have led to a questioning of their value.