subject in MC, which we call the “agentive locative subject. Note that the locative subject in all these examples can be “restored” back to the predicate-.


When designing for agentive technology, designers need to focus on the goal rather than the task. An example of this is the vacuum, which for years was continuously redesigned to be lighter, more powerful, and more efficient – then came Roomba. Roomba can vacuum (the task) without human interaction and leaves floors clean (the goal).

1. pertaining to, or productive of, a form that indicates an agent or agency. 2. (in case grammar) pertaining to the semantic role or case of a noun phrase that indicates the volitional or primary causer of the action… 2020-02-07 Translation for 'agentive' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. 2001-09-25 Translation for 'agentive' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations. 2018-08-03 · Subject and Agents. "Sentences in which the grammatical subject is not the agent are common.

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/ay jeuhn tiv/, adj. Gram. 1. pertaining to, or productive of, a form that indicates an agent or agency. 2. (in case grammar) pertaining to the semantic role or case of a noun phrase that indicates the volitional or primary causer of the action… 2020-02-07 Translation for 'agentive' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.

10. How to keep up with digital marketing… CONTENT: T&C Early Bird Discount What does agentic mean? Social cognition theory perspective in which people are producers as well as products of social systems.

av JO Östman · 2017 — i söder förlorar både kortstaviga och långstaviga verb sitt slut-a i infinitiv, t.ex. Det interessante er at denne definition på sin vis placerer sprogbrugeren og Når det gjelder eksempel 6, er det mulig at det agentive verbet i at-setningen også.

Nominative is for subjects. Agentive would be, I suppose, just agents. So "John dropped the book" has "John" in nominative and agentive. But "The book dropped" has "the book" in only nominative (not agentive).

Agentive subject examples

One example is the verb kwaa 'know', which can be distinguished from kwa 'bind, tighten', so that we have sar, (-par), -yar, N.AG, agentive nominalizer.

Furthermore, the Verb och attribut i attributiva processer i MED-konstruktioner . . . . .

Agentive subject examples

This paper aims to analyze the translation of typical inanimate Subject Themes in the popular scientific register from English to German. Taking into account contrastive differences between English and German, we assumed that English sentences containing a combination of inanimate Subjects and agentive verbs would pose a translation problem that could potentially be reflected in translation Telling a story, or at least teasing the beginning of one in your subject line is a unique way to highlight benefit and get the open rate you’re looking for.
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Social cognition theory perspective in which people are producers as well as products of social systems.

the agentive case. agentive: Of or relating to a linguistic form or construction that indicates an agent or agency, as the suffix -er in singer. agentive - definition and meaning Community 2019-11-04 Examples of Active Voice: Shane plays music. Tony wrote a play.
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The first definition of agentive in the dictionary is denoting a case of nouns, etc, indicating the agent described by the verb. Other definition of agentive is 

component of progressive patterns, for example, in the Iranian language Tajiki, 3 An agent is understood as typically human and volitional subject carrying out  av S Cinková · Citerat av 7 — ples of negation of the core meaning and examples of addition of further When the structure be going to is used with an agentive subject,  av EWA DATA-BUKOWSKA · Citerat av 1 — the function of the subject or object in a number of different constructions. How- ever, in 1 Examples presented in this article mostly come from Teleman et al. (1999a alizations certain information is omitted, e.g. the agent. In Swedish we  av F Lindahl · 2017 · Citerat av 19 — advisor. Discussing all sorts of problems and examples in syntax and semantics way of deriving subject relative clauses dependent on having both relative ambiguous and can be agentive, selecting a regular DP object (4a), or stative,.