Malmöpremiär av hyllade Concerning Violence! I samarbete med Missa inte chansen att se denna omdiskuterade och hyllade film på storduk! Kvällen är 


Erin Torkelson: Göran Olsson’s 2014 film Concerning Violence: Nine Scenes from Anti-Imperialistic Self-Defense is a sensitively rendered and deeply disturbing look at Swedish archival footage of anti-colonial warfare, relying on rock-star academics (Gayatri Spivak) and academic rock-stars (Lauryn Hill) to blend image and text, in a postmodern bricolage structured around Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth.

Concerning Violence is both an archive-driven documentary covering the most daring momentsin the struggle for liberation in the Third World, as well as an ex CONCERNING VIOLENCE, the new Lauryn Hill-narrated documentary on colonialism and the impact of exploitation around the world, is shared with the trailer and Blytung högläsning i plakatpolitisk film som slår hårt mot makten. En nästan fulländad dokumentär, tycker Kristoffer Viita. Concerning Violence is based on the classic book The Wretched of the Earth by Franz Fanon. Written 50 years ago, Fanon's work is a major tool for understanding and The Swedish Film Database Documentary by Goran Olsson, 2014, Sweden/USA/Denmark/Finland, 90'OPENS IN GERMANY SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 Vi A film by Goran Hugo Olsson, 2014, Sweden/U.S.A./Denmark/Finland, 90' Premiere - Sundance 2014Clip provided b Dec 20, 2014. "Concerning Violence" is a passable documentary wherein Lauryn Hill does an impeccable job of intoning Frantz Fanon's text over scenes of revolutionary struggle in the developing Concerning Violence. There is a risk in making a film so firmly based in the past—consisting entirely of archival footage and structured with the help of a text published in the 1960s. This risk is datedness.

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After an introduction by Columbia University professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, director Goran Hugo Olsson  Gesprochen werden die Texte von der Musikerin Lauryn Hill. Im Prolog zum Film stellt die renommierte Wissenschaftlerin Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Fanons  5 Dec 2014 Concerning Violence is both an archive-driven documentary covering the most daring moments in the struggle for liberation in the Third World,  4 Dec 2014 Archival documentary footage (from the 1960s, '70s, and '80s) of African countries like Liberia, Mozambique, and Burkina Faso runs beneath the  5 Aug 2014 Goran Olsson's documentary Concerning Violence uses archival footage along with text from Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth and  Sweden / Denmark / United States / Finland 2013, 85 min, English, French, Portuguese and Swedish, Hebrew & English subtitles. In the same way that it  28 Apr 2014 Concerning Violence opens with a preface by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, a Columbia University professor who explains that the film is “a  Concerning Violence is an award-winning documentary written and directed by Swedish filmmaker, Göran Olsson. This documentary is based on Frantz Fanon's   27 Nov 2020 University of Lethbridge Anti-Racism Film Series presents: Concerning Violence. Friday, November 27, at 5 p.m.. Zoom Film Screening  15 Jul 2015 The rest of the film is a collection of found footage from 1960s and '70s decolonization efforts in sub-Saharan Africa.

Foto: Story AB Concerning ViolenceRegi Göran Hugo OlssonManus SolarzStödmottagare Direkt Film och Media Produktion ABMålgrupp  Based on archive material from a contemporay point of view, this film chronicles the Client: Story.

11 Dec 2014 The Swedish documentary director's latest archival film tackles the topic of I was excited to see Concerning Violence, Göran Hugo Olsson's 

Zoom Film Screening  15 Jul 2015 The rest of the film is a collection of found footage from 1960s and '70s decolonization efforts in sub-Saharan Africa. Lauryn Hill reads excerpts  Concerning Violence est un film réalisé par Göran Hugo Olsson et Sophie Vukovic avec Lauryn Hill. Synopsis : "Le colonialisme n'est pas une machine à  CONCERNING VIOLENCE, a new documentary from Göran Hugo Olsson, director of The Black Power Mixtape is a bold visual narration on colonization in Africa  From the director of The Black Power Mixtape comes a bold and fresh visual narrative on Africa, based on newly discovered archive material covering the  Color Type: Color. Country: U.S., Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Africa (region).

Concerning violence film

4 Dec 2014 Archival documentary footage (from the 1960s, '70s, and '80s) of African countries like Liberia, Mozambique, and Burkina Faso runs beneath the 

21 Jun 2015 Program. Concerning Violence (2014) is both an archive-driven documentary covering the most daring moments in the struggle for liberation in  Concerning Violence: Fanon, Film and Liberation in Africa A beautiful photographic exploration of the revolutionary movements in Africa in the sixties and  Concerning Violence. Directed by Göran Hugo Olsson Genres: Historical, Documentary, Culture, Sundance Film Festival. Subjects: Human Rights, K-12,  11 Dec 2014 The Swedish documentary director's latest archival film tackles the topic of I was excited to see Concerning Violence, Göran Hugo Olsson's  2Le film s'ouvre avec une préface éclairée et engagée de Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, professeure à Colombia et connue pour ses travaux sur les « subalternes »  13 Aug 2014 Best known for 'The Black Power Mixtape', Göran Olsson's latest documentary, ' Concerning Violence', is a fresh exploration of familiar themes. 10 Jun 2014 It would help to approach this film with some appreciation of the structures and theatres of African conflict.

Concerning violence film

Review: Concerning Violence. It isn’t afraid to risk didacticism in order to put across its vision of the debilitating physical and psychological effects of colonialism.
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Foto: Story AB Concerning ViolenceRegi Göran Hugo OlssonManus SolarzStödmottagare Direkt Film och Media Produktion ABMålgrupp  Based on archive material from a contemporay point of view, this film chronicles the Client: Story. Client: Story. Concerning Violence. Still from the film.

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Concerning Violence. Lauryn Hill (Actor), Kati Outinen (Actor), Goran Hugo Olsson (Director) & 0 more. Rated: NR. Format: DVD. 4.4 out of 5 stars 40 ratings. Prime Video. $3.99 — $13.99.

It is an encouragement to face the specter of absolute violence, from both sides of the imperial divide, and decide where … Concerning Violence is based on newly discovered, powerful archival material documenting the most daring moments in the struggle for liberation in the Third World, accompanied by classic text from The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon. 2014-10-29 Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets 2014-08-15 · This film is about violence. The violence imposed by the colonizers, and the violence in response, by the colonized.