The employment rate of older workers is calculated by dividing the number of persons in employment and aged 55 to 64 by the total population of the same age group. The indicator is …


NUTS 3 level unemployment rates within each NUTS 2 region 2003 ***. 7. Data: Eurostat/New Cronos, Danmarks Statistik, Statistikcentralen (FI), SCB 

Data från Eurostat. Harmonized unemployment data for European countries. This dataset was prepared by Google based  The indicator gives the rate of long-term unemployment. <br><br><br /><br />The rate of unemployment is the percentage accounted for by  Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. We provide Euro area #unemployment at 7.4% in August; lowest rate since Mai 2008. Unemployment rate - annual data. Eurostat taulukkokoodi: tipsun20.

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The unemployment rate is falling, and labour shortages are inching up, Source: Eurostat, WB, IMF, Swedbank Economic Outlook forecast  The data behind the estimations is picked from the database of Eurostat. The results indicate an increase in the unemployment rate, contrary to the expectations  3 Eurostat (2019). rate. URL: The Local (2019): Sweden reaches lowest unemployment rate in a decade. 9 Tabell Unemployment rate, 2004–2015 (%). Eurostat.

In October this year, the unemployment   Mar 5, 2021 Eurozone unemployment rate remains at 8.1% in January and drops 2 tenths of a percentage point in Spain to 16%. Adrián Francisco Varela ,.

Eurostat produces harmonised unemployment rates for individual EU member states, the euro area and the EU, based on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) recommended definition and using the results of a harmonised source, the European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS).

ACC: Eurostat estimate for 1999 1999-2002. Source: Eurostat structural indicators Indicator 11.2 Long-term unemployment rate - females.

Eurostat unemployment rate

According to the Eurostat survey, the Croatian unemployment rate has increased from 122,000 to 147,000, reaching a concerning 8.1 percent from 6.8 percent back in March this year. Six EU member states had higher rates in April - with Spain and Greece leading the way, followed by France, Cyprus and then by two Baltic states.

• Skolavhopp (Early leavers from education Statistics eXplorer verktyget representerar en spännande visualiseringsteknik där Employment rate in high-tech sectors, Unemployment rate, Pop aged 0-14, Eurostat som utvecklat en avancerad regional statistik webbsida med NCVA's  av I Laliotis · 2016 · Citerat av 95 — Eurostat data to calculate monthly age-standardised mortality rates per Unemployment increased from 7·8% in 2008 to 27·5% in 2013 and  accommodation have a much higher unemployment rate than others.

Eurostat unemployment rate

In addition to the unemployment measures covered here, Eurostat also publishes statistics for persons who fulfil only partially the definition of unemployment.

2018-07-18 · Portugal’s unemployment rate fell 9.7 percentage points between the first quarters of 2013 and 2018. (Patricia de Melo Moreira/AFP/Getty Images) The European Union’s unemployment rate has dropped to its lowest point in almost a decade, though joblessness still varies widely among the 28 countries that make up the bloc, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from Eurostat Regional (NUTS level 2) unemployment rate represents unemployed persons as a percentage of the economically active population (i.e.

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Many translated example sentences containing "unemployment rate" rate in Greece (quarterly only) will be disseminated by Eurostat as soon as the labour 

According to the recently released data by EUROSTAT, euro area unemployment was 7.4%, down from 7.5% in July 2019, and down from 8.0% in August 2018. That’s a piece of good news since this is also the lowest euro area unemployment rate since May 2008. Let’s dive in and comb through the interesting unemployment rates in Europe. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate thus rose from 6.4 percent in March to 6.6 percent, which is still slightly lower than it was back in April last year (when it stood at 6.8 percent). Unemployment Rate in European Union remained unchanged at 7.50 percent in February from 7.50 percent in January of 2021. Unemployment Rate in European Union averaged 9.13 percent from 2000 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 11.50 percent in January of 2013 and a record low of 6.40 percent in March of 2020.